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Oct 17, 2022

If life is a game and our challenges are here to help us evolve – are we finally waking up?  

Even though this time in history is very stressful, overwhelming and uncomfortable for many people, we might be learning and discovering in unprecedented ways. Maybe it is an initiation into a higher aspect of ourselves, if...

Sep 19, 2022

Are we moving from this familiar 3D world of duality to a 5D world of harmony and abundance? It’s also referred to as the prophesised 1000 years of peace or the Golden Age. In this episode, we’ll explore the difference between those two worlds and what to expect. 




Aug 18, 2022

The MindStory Code - A Map of How We Personally and Globally Evolve  

In this episode, we’ll explore a map anyone can use to grow and evolve. Discover what it is, where it came from and most importantly how to use it for personal and global transformation. 




Aug 3, 2022

Most of the things we seek in life are to ‘get high’, if you really think about it. Whether it’s trying to make money, watching a movie, popping a pill, or just going for a walk in nature…the underlying motivation is usually to change our state from low to high. This is a normal instinct, but if you’re using...

Jul 21, 2022

If you look at a person’s daily habits, you can usually tell a lot about their overall success in life. In this episode we’ll look at 4 common habits that drain people and ways to re-energize you no matter what’s going on.   



